Tuesday, March 18, 2014


we always come across the phrase where WE have to RESPECT THE ELDERS .
for sure it is true .  we have to respect people who are older than us .

but then what if the elder did something wrong ?

 should we just tell them and point out the flaws ? 
 or should we just keep quiet as we're too afraid to be pointed out as rude ? 

 the same concept should be applied between our friends and peers .
 sure we have to respect them but we have to remember that NOBODY is PERFECT !

 we tend to make mistake one after another  .

WHY ?? 

 because we're suppose to learn from mistake .

one lesson that i had learnt today is not just respecting our friends but RESPECTING THOSE WHO ARE BELOW US . 

YEP !!!

being a LEADER won't give you an access to plainly scold those who worked under you .
 sure they did make a mistake but the simplest thing you can do is just advise and give them some time to correct the errors and mistake their did .

YEP !!!

that is much more simple .


being a leader doesn't mean that you have to always be strict and assertive . 

the most important thing of living in a community right now is to

SMILE ....




bieber's <3 p="">

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