Hi, everyone! It's good to make an update about a bestseller novel specially brought to you by SOPHIE KINSELLA! Eventhough I know that a lot of you know about this novel, somehow there maybe some who doesn't know this awesome book exactly exist! I just read this book and it's really an awesome story. So, before I go further about my overexcited feelings, it's better for you to read the summary of this novel.
When twenty-eight-year-old Lexi Smart wakes up in a London hospital, she’s in for a big surprise. Her teeth are perfect. Her body is toned. Her handbag is Vuitton. Having survived a car accident—in a Mercedes no less—Lexi has lost a big chunk of her memory, three years to be exact, and she’s about to find out just how much things have changed. Somehow Lexi went from a twenty-five-year-old working girl to a corporate big shot with a sleek new loft, a personal assistant, a carb-free diet, and a set of glamorous new friends. And who is this gorgeous husband—who also happens to be a multimillionaire? With her mind still stuck three years in reverse, Lexi greets this brave new world determined to be the person she…well, seems to be. That is, until an adorably disheveled architect drops the biggest bombshell of all. Suddenly Lexi is scrambling to catch her balance. Her new life, it turns out, comes complete with secrets, schemes, and intrigue. How on earth did all this happen? Will she ever remember? And what will happen when she does?
So, how's that? Does it catches your attention? Maybe the girls are going 'ga-ga' over it but not the boys. Hahaha. It's really matches well with the life that teenagers go through. It makes me somehow feels a bit mature when I keep on reading the book. The story unbelievably full of gags scene and mix feelings between happiness and sadness. It really does suits my taste well!
Good news for the ones who don't know. If you don't like to read books but more into movies, this story has been adapted as a movie. You should get a time and try watch it. Sophie Kinsella's jokes can't nver get wrong. If you don't laugh even for a second, I think you should get mental check-up. Well, just kidding. Anyway, I will come for a next update with interesting news for you. Bye!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
The Impossible Movie Review
Hi, people! So, it's me again. Well, instead of giving good books to recommend, so I decided to give a review about a movie. basically, it's a movie based on a true story. Well, don't expect romance in this movie since it's all about a journey of a family in surviving tsunami in Thailand. So, here's the summary about this movie:
A terrifying and emotional story based on one family’s experience of the 2004 tsunami, THE IMPOSSIBLE is a compelling account of perseverance and survival in the face of unimaginable disaster and chaos.
Well, that's all from me and please be patient for the next interesting update.
A terrifying and emotional story based on one family’s experience of the 2004 tsunami, THE IMPOSSIBLE is a compelling account of perseverance and survival in the face of unimaginable disaster and chaos.
MARIA (Naomi Watts), HENRY (Ewan McGregor) and their three sons begin their winter vacation in Thailand looking forward to a few days in tropical paradise. But on the morning of December 26th, as the family relaxes around the pool after their Christmas festivities the night before, a terrifying roar rises up from the center of the earth. As Maria freezes in fear, a huge wall of black water races across the hotel grounds toward her.
Henry grabs the two youngest boys, SIMON and THOMAS, but it’s too late: the wave smashes into him with incredible force and dislodges his grip. Maria is pushed underwater, where she is crushed and battered by debris to the brink of death. She finally surfaces in a raging black sea, which has completely submerged her three-story hotel and the surrounding landscape. Maria gasps for breath, while she tries to understand what has just happened, convinced that her family has been obliterated in the blink of an eye. But then, her eldest son, LUCAS (Tom Holland), surfaces a few meters ahead in the wild flood. Face-to-face with something unexpected and incomprehensible, she must fight against all odds for her child’s survival. And her own.
Based on a true story, THE IMPOSSIBLE is the unforgettable account of a family caught, with tens of thousands of strangers, in the mayhem of one of the worst natural catastrophes of our time. But the true-life terror is tempered by the unexpected displays of compassion, courage and simple kindness that Maria and her family encounter during the darkest hours of their lives. Both epic and intimate, devastating and uplifting, THE IMPOSSIBLE is a journey to the core of the human heart.
Well, overall it's a good movie for everyone to watch since the main point in this movie is about the strong bond of the family. It's kind of tragic to get into a traumatic incident especially tsunami! Just imagine if we and our family get trap into the horrible tsunami, for me, it IS impossible to get back with our love ones. In a nutshell, The Impossible is a movie that should be watched because there is a lot moral values that we can get based from the movie.
Well, that's all from me and please be patient for the next interesting update.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Paper Towns from John Green!
Paper Towns is the story of a boy named Quentin Jacobsen and the adventure he is drawn into by his childhood friend and secret love Margo Roth Spiegelman. As children, Quentin and Margo discovered a dead man's body; an event that binds them in ways they do not realize. As they grow up however, they grow apart. After this is explained in the prologue, Part I of the book sets up the main narrative by introducing the setting, Jefferson High in Orlando, Florida in the early 2000s and introduces Quentin's good friends, Radar and Ben Starling, his fellow nerds. In contrast, Margo is the most popular girl in school who has an incredible reputation for her wild hijinks. The plot takes off in Chapter 3 when Margo sneaks into Quentin's bedroom and asks him to help her execute an eleven-part plan, which largely involves taking revenge on her ex-boyfriend. Throughout the night, Quentin is exhilarated and his love for Margo is reenergized.
In Part II of the book, Margo completely disappears and Quentin wonders if he will see her again. However, Margo has left him a series of clues as to her whereabouts. Part II is spent piecing together Margo's clues. Quentin pursues Margo with the help of his friends, but all the while, high school comes to an end. Quentin follows a string of false leads, which makes him increasingly reflective and leads him to gradually accept that he has made Margo into a magical non-person, a "paper girl" and that he loves someone who may not exist. He eventually decides that the only way to ind Margo is to understand who she is. Throughout Part II, Quentin grapples with Margo's use of the phrase "paper towns" in her clues. Eventually he figures out that a paper town is a false city on a map that cartographers once used to detect copycats. Margo had left for the paper town of Algoe, New York.
Part III begins the night of graduation when Quentin grabs his friends to leave on an intense, twenty-one hour road trip from Orlando to upstate Agloe. Quentin, Radar, Ben, and Ben's new girlfriend Lacey, must catch Margo the day before she leaves Agloe forever. When they reach Agloe, they find Margo in an old barn, writing. After fighting furiously about Margo's apparent selfishness for leaving, Ben, Radar, and Lacey storm out. Quentin and Margo learn that they had idealized one another and love each other. However, they both realize with regret that their love was based in falsehood, in being a "paper boy" and a "paper girl." Margo left in order to release everyone from the effects of her false, public personality. Quentin, however, does not give up on Margo. They admit their romantic affections for one another but realize that their values must inevitably lead them to separate futures.
My review:
So, you see this girl named Margo is a mysterious girl yet a rebellion. But as you follow the journey of Quentin and his friends finding Margo, you'll realize how smart and interesting this girl can be. Anyhow, she's good in doing something ridiculous. Maybe that is why, Quentin likes her since he was ten. Overall, the novel is nice and it's really suitable for people who want something fresh to read. Well, I totally recommend this novel. No wonder it became the bestseller!
Well. that's all from me. Last but not least, I really amazed with John Green writings.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
An interesting book by Ali McNamara : Step Back In Time
Hi everyone! So, today there is another interesting book we want to share with you! Initially, it is recommended by my friend and she gives a best impression towards this book. So here's the synopsis:
Jo-Jo is a busy accountant who feels perfectly at home in the fast-paced, modern world. She enjoys visiting George’s second-hand record shop on the King’s Road in London, as George is always there with a new collection of records in the window, a cup of tea and some friendly advice. When she visits him to go through his yearly accounts, she meets one of George’s best customers, Harry, and George suggests Jo-Jo could help Harry out too. Jo-Jo takes his business card, tries to ignore his easy demeanour and kind blue eyes, and heads back out onto The King’s Road. Crossing the zebra crossing, she doesn’t see the car heading towards her until it’s too late.
When Jo-Jo wakes up, her overwhelming feeling is confusion. People are crowded round her, asking if she’s all right and, as she tries to assure them she’s fine, she begins to notice that things have changed – lots of things. As Jo-Jo tries to come to terms with the aftermath of the accident, she realises that, despite the confusion and uncertainty she’s suddenly faced with, there are a few familiar faces that she knows she’s going to be able to count on.
The concept of this book is wonderful and imaginative, and I looked forward to reading something from Ali that was a little bit different to her usual romantic comedies. Jo-Jo is a great central character, strong willed and determined, but faced with a situation that even the hardiest person would feel vulnerable in. She tries to make the best of her circumstances, and has her assistant Ellie, record shop owner George, and Harry appearing to keep her company – albeit in slightly different roles than she’s used to. George is generous and kind, Ellie is warm-hearted and hilarious, and Harry is handsome, sweet and excellent hero material. Jo-Jo gets the chance to see different sides of their personalities, and there are some very funny moments as she tries to fit in with the new scenarios she finds herself in.
Great synopsis about the book, huh? Anyway here I slipped a reader review based on this novel:
The different decades are vividly described, from the fashion to the surroundings, the culture and the attitudes. Some of Jo-Jo and Ellie’s outfits are incredible, and at times I found it difficult to believe that Ali wasn’t slipping into pure fiction, rather than looking back at the trends of that particular decade. Many of you will have picked up on the significance of the King’s Road zebra crossing, and there is a certain band that plays quite a central theme in the novel. I probably didn’t pick up on half of the references, but anybody who’s a fan of The Beatles will have an extra thrill reading this book.
Step Back in Time is a funny, original novel with strong characters, wonderful, diverse settings and a ribbon of enchantment running through it. I felt like I was getting five stories for the price of one, but with the final satisfaction that a good novel gives you. This was something different from Ali McNamara, and I can’t wait to see what she’s going to do next.
Let's give it a try, shall we? Anyway, have a happy reading time with this novel if you're interested!
Let's give it a try, shall we? Anyway, have a happy reading time with this novel if you're interested!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Hi, everyone! I would like to introduce you a book that full of fantasy that you are going to love it! The characters are great and every chapters that is written will ensure you to keep feeling exciting. So, here's the synopsis about the book that may make you feel attracted after reading it.
Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray goes to the Pandemonium Club with her best friend, Simon Lewis. Inside, she sees a blue haired boy and a gorgeous black haired girl sneaking off to be alone in a storeroom. Then she notices two boys following them into the storeroom and one of them is armed with what appears to be a knife. No one else seems to notice them, but she gets Simon to go for help and then decides to follow the group into the storeroom. At first glance it appears to be empty, but she is suddenly able to see them. She listens to a bizarre conversation about demons and then witnesses the blue haired "boy" being killed. However, after he is killed he somehow vanishes from the room. The explanation she is given is that demons "return to their home dimensions when they die." (Clare, 2013, p. 15) Before she can really begin to understand what she has seen and heard, Simon enters the storeroom with the bouncer in tow and questions why she is in there by herself. Realizing no one else can see the others, she mumbles an apology about being mistaken about what she saw.
When she returns home, her overprotective mother, Jocelyn, scolds her for staying out so late and worrying her. The next day, Jocelyn announces that they are moving from New York City to the country for the summer where Jocelyn's best friend, Luke, has a house. Clary, upset about the unexpected move, leaves with Simon and later confides that she knows almost nothing about her mother or her entire family. Simon mentions seeing thin, white scars on Jocelyn's back and shoulders, but Clary dismisses this, having never noticed them. She ignores her mother's continual phone calls as they go to a poetry reading where Clary sees Jace, one of the teens she saw at Pandemonium. He privately tells Clary about demon-hunters, called Shadowhunters or Nephilim. The person killed at the club was a demon in human form. Jace claims Clary is not a mundane (mortal human) because beings like him are invisible to ordinary humans. Clary finally answers a call from Jocelyn, who frantically warns her not to come home and to tell Luke that "he" has found her. The call ends abruptly.
After trying in vain to call her mom back, Clary breaks her phone and grabs Jace's, which turns out to be a "sensor", hits him, and runs off. Clary then runs back to her house and it an absolute mess. She screams for her mom, but no one answers. Then, Clary encounters a creature that is bent on killing her, but she is able to kill it with Jace's sensor. Jace brings Clary back to the "institute", the place where the New York shadow hunters live. Clary meets the other shadow hunters, Isabelle and Alec, and the tutor, Hodge. Jace and Clary go back to Clary's house and meet her neighbor. Her neighbor has a portal, and Clary decides to go through to see where her mother would've gone.
Clary, followed by Jace, rushes through the portal, landing at Luke's bookstore and finding Simon hiding in the bushes. Simon was trying to find out what happened to Clary. He observed Luke packing several weapons inside his bag. The three hide inside the store. Luke returns with two men, Pangborn and Blackwell, whom Valentine sent to interrogate Luke about the Mortal Cup's whereabouts. Luke claims he does not know where Jocelyn, who is in a coma, hid the Mortal Cup and has no interest in her or the cup. He refuses to negotiate with them or interfere with Valentine's plans. Clary and Jace, accompanied by Simon, go back to the Institute and tell Hodge what they learned. Hodge tells them about the Circle, a group of Shadowhunters that Valentine formed to eliminate all Downworlders (vampire, werewolves, faeries, warlocks, and others). Jocelyn, Valentine's wife, was forced to join. It was believed she had died in a fire that destroyed Valentine's home. Jocelyn's real maiden name is Jocelyn Fairchild, which means Clary's dad was Valentine. Somewhere in here Clary and Jace go to the Silent City to speak to the Silent Brothers. They tell them that there is a block in her mind that prevents her from remembering the Shadow World. The warlock that put it there was Magnus Bane.
When Isabelle found an invitation in the demon's pocket (the one that Jace had killed at the Pandemonium Club) she took it. It was an invitation to a warlock's party hosted by Magnus Bane. Clary goes with her and the others. Clary meets Magnus Bane, who says his spell is too complex to remove but will fade naturally if it is not re-enforced every two years. Jocelyn had Magnus Bane place a protective spell on Clary's mind to prevent her seeing the Shadow World. During the party, Simon ignores Isabelle's warning and drinks a blue liquid that transforms him into a rat. Vampires take him thinking Simon was one of their own. Clary and Jace trail them to an abandoned hotel to rescue Simon. Jace, Clary, and rat-Simon escape when werewolves invade the hotel and battle the vampires. Jace seems upset when Simon and Clary embrace after he becomes human again.
That night, Jace takes Clary to the Institute's greenhouse on a midnight picnic to celebrate Clary's sixteenth birthday, and their romance blossoms with a romantic first kiss.
As the block continues fading and her memories begin emerging, Clary deduces that the Mortal Cup is hidden inside one of Madame Dorothea's tarot cards. Clary and the others go to Dorothea's apartment. Clary retrieves the Cup, but a demon appears from the Portal and possesses Madame Dorothea. Aided by Simon, they escape and return to the Institute where Hodge betrays them by handing over the Cup and an unconscious Jace to Valentine. Hodge flees, pursued by Clary. Hodge attacks her in an alleyway, but she is unexpectedly saved by Luke, who is a werewolf.
Luke and Clary devise a plan to storm Valentine's secret stronghold with help from Luke's werewolf pack. While the werewolves attack Valentine's followers, Clary locates her mother, who is unconscious, and also finds Jace, who says Valentine told him he is his son. Having developed romantic feelings for each other, both Clary and Jace are aghast at realizing they are brother and sister. Clary says that despite Valentine being their father, he is evil. Valentine appears and entices Jace to return to Idris with him. Jace refuses, and Valentine escapes through a portal with the Cup, smashing the portal behind him.
Good summary isn't it? It had been published as a movie too in 2013 and I recommend for everyone to watch it and I believe it will leave good impression to you. Well, that's all from me and I hope you give this book a try!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Imagine a young boy who has never had a loving home. His only possesions are the old, torn clothes he carries in a paper bag. The only world he knows is one of isolation and fear. Although others had rescued this boy from his abusive alcoholic mother, his real hurt is just begining -- he has no place to call home.
This is Dave Pelzer's long-awaited sequel to A Child Called "It". In The Lost Boy, he answers questions and reveals new adventures through the compelling story of his life as an adolescent. Now considered an F-Child (Foster Child), Dave is moved in and out of five different homes. He suffers shame and experiences resentment from those who feel that all foster kids are trouble and unworthy of being loved just because they are not part of a "real" family.
Tears, laughter, devastation and hope create the journey of this little lost boy who searches desperately for just one thing -- the love of a family.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Book Review : Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
The New York Times bestselling first book in a dark new series that reimagines the Oz saga, from debut author Danielle Paige.
I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know?
Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a road of yellow brick—but even that's crumbling.
What happened? Dorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.
My name is Amy Gumm—and I'm the other girl from Kansas. I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. I've been trained to fight. And I have a mission: Remove the Tin Woodman's heart. Steal the Scarecrow's brain. Take the Lion's courage. And—Dorothy must die.
Review :
I want to start off by saying that when I started this book I what I would think if it. My twisted sense of curiosity is what got the best of me on this one and I am glad it did. Lots of twisted and backwards adventure to be found here!
Amy Gunn is your average girl who has been dealt a bad hadn at life. She has no friends (thanks to nasty Ms. Madison), her father left when she was young and her mom is is a druggie. She wants nothing more than to get away from her crappy trailer life. Well she gets her wish; just no how she expected it.
Welcome to Oz. But not how we know it. Yes the happy movies and the book is based on what had taken place but the story didn't end there...Dorothy came back and apparently became power and magic hungry. Glinda is a horrible slave driven, the munchkins are back to living in fear worse than with the witches. The beloved Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion are mutated and twisted into something atrocious! And many other twists await!
Let me give warning: DO NOT get attached to characters. There is a fair share of death in this book. And the first one I read has me very distrustful of bubbles right now and was gross! so unpleasant death at that! You have been warned...
Then we get the fun job of attempting to figure out who to trust. Everyone tells Amy to trust no one. So that sends a firm message that has me wondering through the entire book. Many characters seem to have ulterior motives and secrets. So Amy has to train and learn to fight, control magic all while wondering what is going on and why.
Danielle Paige has done a great job with character creation. Nox, Glamora, and other fantastic new characters are in this book. Amy I felt could have been a bit better. I do like her with her balance of flaws and abilities but her frame of mind and willingness so early on to kill disturbed me.
The ending bit a bit rushed with lots of important facts but it is just sort of hurled at the reader. Which leads to my last small annoyance: the back cover is misleading....By the end of the book she is just barely starting on the actually missions set. When I got this book I was not expecting a long series. Now I wonder how long this can be. I have no problem with a series but I prefer my summaries to cover the book not the whole series arc. There is a lot if filler in this book. While enjoyable, it was not necessary and I feel is deliberately drawing it out (much like drawing a movie into 2 parts-I don't like that either).
Less those few flaws, I really enjoyed this book. A good start to a new adventure. This is for older teens-adults with some graphic scenes and behaviors. The recreated world is fun to re-explore after many years. I will assuredly be continuing the series!
Amy Gunn is your average girl who has been dealt a bad hadn at life. She has no friends (thanks to nasty Ms. Madison), her father left when she was young and her mom is is a druggie. She wants nothing more than to get away from her crappy trailer life. Well she gets her wish; just no how she expected it.
Welcome to Oz. But not how we know it. Yes the happy movies and the book is based on what had taken place but the story didn't end there...Dorothy came back and apparently became power and magic hungry. Glinda is a horrible slave driven, the munchkins are back to living in fear worse than with the witches. The beloved Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion are mutated and twisted into something atrocious! And many other twists await!
Let me give warning: DO NOT get attached to characters. There is a fair share of death in this book. And the first one I read has me very distrustful of bubbles right now and was gross! so unpleasant death at that! You have been warned...
Then we get the fun job of attempting to figure out who to trust. Everyone tells Amy to trust no one. So that sends a firm message that has me wondering through the entire book. Many characters seem to have ulterior motives and secrets. So Amy has to train and learn to fight, control magic all while wondering what is going on and why.
Danielle Paige has done a great job with character creation. Nox, Glamora, and other fantastic new characters are in this book. Amy I felt could have been a bit better. I do like her with her balance of flaws and abilities but her frame of mind and willingness so early on to kill disturbed me.
The ending bit a bit rushed with lots of important facts but it is just sort of hurled at the reader. Which leads to my last small annoyance: the back cover is misleading....By the end of the book she is just barely starting on the actually missions set. When I got this book I was not expecting a long series. Now I wonder how long this can be. I have no problem with a series but I prefer my summaries to cover the book not the whole series arc. There is a lot if filler in this book. While enjoyable, it was not necessary and I feel is deliberately drawing it out (much like drawing a movie into 2 parts-I don't like that either).
Less those few flaws, I really enjoyed this book. A good start to a new adventure. This is for older teens-adults with some graphic scenes and behaviors. The recreated world is fun to re-explore after many years. I will assuredly be continuing the series!
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